Privacy and collecting data

Bus transfer to Pu Luong

Privacy protection of Users of our website is a very important matter. The following references describe, which anonymous and personal data will be visible on our website and how it should be processed by (Puluong Express Bus – Shuttle bus transfer to Pu Luong from Hanoi )

1. Anonymous Data Assessment 

You can visit the website, without notifying us of who you are. does not publish any data, from which the identity of the individual can be derived, except in the case that the User himself transmits personal data, in order to (utilize the services of We will only know the name of your internet service provider, the webpage you were coming from and the pages you visit here as well as the time and date of your visit. The following information from our website will be used for statistical analysis and to optimize our service. does not use any technological means that aim at determining the identification of Users of the website. Therefore all Users of our website shall remain anonymous.

2. Collection, processing and utilization of personal data 

“Personal data”  shall mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Personal data will therefore only be compiled, if you inform us (e.g. regarding Sample Trip inquiries) when ordering information material or registering for a service such as a newsletter or requesting access to password protected areas. We compile, edit and use the following personal data:

Contact Information: Specifically name, address, telefon, fax number, Email address, Website

Login Information for Users, e.g. Username and Password

Payment Information: e.g. bank details and credit card details

IP-Address (Internet Protocol Address), this means, when you establish contact online through your unique identification digital address.

Devic Number: e.g. UDID (Unique Device Identifier) and comparable Device Number.

Location Data, this means information about geographical location at a specific time.

Other Data, that you provide, e.g. Email content and general documents.

Your personal data will be saved and processed according to the German data protection regulations. Any disclosure of this information and data to a third party shall only occur, insofar that it is necessary in connection with the processing of your travel inquiry. Other conditions apply only, in the case that are obliged to disclose and transfer data by law or by court order. We process your data soley for business purposes that are necessary in the processing of orders and for customer care.

According to Section 28, Paragraph 4 in the German Federal Data Protection Act,  you are entitled to deny the storing / processing of your data as described above at any time by notifying directly that you want to revoke authorization, as long as the information is not necessary in regards to your contract or the handling of your order.

In the event of any data being passed on to service providers for the purposes of data processing, this data is also bound by the German Federal Data Protection Act and all other legal provisions. Elicitation or transfer of personal data to government offices and public authorities will only take place within the scope of mandatory provisions of law.

3. Special Technologies 

We utilize different technologies and we survey, process and use, as the circumstances require, additional data:  

Cookies: d.h. small text applications, that are saved on your computer when you visit our website and saved in your browser. They serve to make our offer more user-friendly, effective and secure. Whenever possible, we utilize so-called Session-Cookies, that are automatically disposed of at the end of your visit to our website. These cookies can be deactivated. You may find more details in the help menu of your Internet browser. Without cookies, you can use our website to a limited degree.

Social Media-Buttons, e.g. from Facebook or Google +1. Our website utilizes buttons from different social media networks, that are indicated with their own logo. When you click on the button of the respective network that is interacting with our website and are logged in as a member of the respective network, your browser will establish a direct connection to the servers of the social media networks to transmit information about your visit to our website, e.g. the “Like” button on Facebook. We have no influence on the extent and manner of the data collection. For information on the purpose and extent of data collection and the further processing and use of data through social networks, as well as your rights in this respect and setting options in regards to your personal privacy, please refer to the data protection information of the social network.
If you are a member of a social media network that has a Social-Media-Button on our website and you don´t want to be connected to the respective social network through our website, you must first log out of the respective social network before visiting our website.

Pixel-Tags, small graphics in Emails or on Websites, that make tracking and analysis possible.

Internal Analysis System, from which entered data within the application is (automatically) processed.

External Analysis System, e.g  Google-Analytics, will regularly be used with shortened IP-Addresses and will not include personal data or references to such data. Users of our website are not identifiable. In addition, you can deactive the Google Analytics here:

Server Protocol Data / Log-Files are automatically generated by access to our server. This includes, for example, Date, Time, Website URL, Browser Type/ Version/ -Language,Operating System, Internet Service Provider, IP Address.

Special Technologies will be used in order to keep our service within regulations and to be able to optimize usage. Special Technologies will also be used to recognize trends, for analysis and to develope our performance, products, services and communication in an innovative way. Therefore we endeavor to constantly improve the quality of our services for our clients and operator.  Special technologies are also required for the server capacity´s provision and billing of our service provider.

4. Data Security 

We will handle the security features for the contact support between the User and Agency strictly confidentially. We take the appropriate measures in regards to organization, technical, and physical measures, to ensure that all data entrusted to us is protected from the access from unauthorized persons, alterations, disclosure and destruction. Only employees and contractors will have access to personal data, and only to the extent that it is absolutely necessary to perform the service provided. The authorized individuals are bound by confidentiality obligations. Violations of these obligations can result in immediate termination and criminal prosecution.